He seems to have it all – an impressive sports career in which he even won the Olympic gold (!), a fulfilling love life and a family that supports him in whatever he wants to do.
In our interview with Mike McCann, a thirty-two-year-old former field hockey striker from Australia, we got to know some very interesting details about the personal life of this smart young man!
These days McCann trains young hockey talents in Mannheim, Germany, where he plans to stay at least for the next four years. He seems to be a well-balanced funny guy living next door who is satisfied with his life. Well, he can be after what he has achieved in his job! Let´s take a look at how it all started.
Maybe the answer is to be found in his childhood which, is filled with lots of nice memories – at least when it comes to the time he spent with playing hockey and going out with friends. Hence, when we ask him about looking back at school it becomes clear that it was not that easy for him to reconcile the demands of sports career and school. Nevertheless, it was not too difficult for McCann to decide what to invest his energy in, since his passion has been hockey, which he developed at the tender age of four. Having made that decision it turned out his parents did not force him to improve his performance at school but were very supportive with what he wanted to achieve in sports. Just by the way – McCann read his first book about a year ago – unbelievable! But he liked it and wants to stick to it from now on.
However, he does not regret having put such an effort into the game he loved so much, even if it destroyed the relationship he had during high school. “There was just not enough time for both – girlfriend and training”, he told us. Lucky for the young lady he fell in love with a few years later, his girlfriend from Austria who lives in Mannheim, too. The couple enjoys living in the city and spending time together. McCann is even planning to have a family.
In addition to that, McCann has a lot more future plans: He loves travelling and – who is surprised – wants to stay with hockey.