Experienced and energetic hockey trainer Mike McCann opens the door to his private life

Mike McCann, the famous Australian national hockey trainer revealed some interesting details about his personal life in an interview with students from the PH Heidelberg. He seemed to be very relaxed, self-confident and in a good mood when he entered the room last Tuesday. Moreover he honestly answered every question without any shyness, which made him very likable.
The 32-year-old man has been living in Mannheim with his girlfriend, an Austrian, since 2008. He started quite clearly that it is difficult to find the right balance between sports and his relationship. As a professional full-time hockey trainer, which is a very stressful job and takes a lot of time ( eighty hours a week), is not so easy to combine the two things in such a way that everybody is satisfied.
His family still lives in Sydney where he was born as well. The Internet is the perfect solution for him to communicate with his family at home. Not only did he have his mind on hockey. He also likes to golf and his new passion he recently discovered is reading books. To maintain his superb physiques he avoids fast-food products but nevertheless spaghetti or schnitzel are sometimes allowed.
We was also asked questions about his professional life and it was very obvious that he definitely smiled more when he had to answer questions on his career. Finally the interview was finished with the question of what his future will look like. According to him he will stay in hockey for a long period of time because this is what he adores. Furthermore he likes to travel a lot and he plans to have a family one day.
All in all we can say that despite his big victory with the Australia national field hockey team in Athens during the summer Olympics in 2004 Mike McCann is a very talented and ambitious gay without being arrogant.
It was a great pleasure, Mr. McCann, and thank you for your time.